Archea Brewery

Via Dei Serragli 44r
50124 – Firenze


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Archea Brewery awarded by Slow Food

Archea Brewery among the 'Excellent Establishments' of the Italian Craft Beer Guide of Italy

With manifest joy and humble pride we welcome the recognition bestowed upon us by Slow Food, which in its Guida alla Birre d’Italia recognized us as an 'Excellent Establishment' based on the following parameters:

- wide selection of Craft Beers, particularly from Italy;
- high service quality (appropriate glasses, right temperature, correct pouring, glass cleanliness);
- proper cleaning of the beer lines;
- proper beer storage (presence of cold cellar and fridges);
- beer-telling abilities (techincal as well as the history and artisanal value of beers and breweries);
- proper pricing
Who should we thank?
This prize crowns our first ten years of activity. 

Our tireless wandering around Italy and Europe in search of the latest innovations, as well as the most deeply rooted traditions, is only made possible by your curiosity, your relentless thirst. It would not be possible to do an excellent job without you, all the friends who, from Monday to Sunday, from 6 p.m. ( approx.) come to populate that little piece of the Florentine oltrarno called Archea.

It is for you that we opened Archea, that we perform the vital public service of distributing high-quality craft beers. It is for you that we always keep the lights very, very low. And we are waiting for you all, without exception, to celebrate our 10th birthday friday July 8 and saturday July 9 2022 at InStabile. Be numerous, be festive, bring your friends and relatives, even bring your enemies: buy them a nice pint and make up. You can conveniently invite everyone via our facebook event.

Slow Food's Guide to Italian Craft Beer

Click/tap this link to find out about all the award-winning venues, if you are interested in the (fantastic) Guide to the Beers of Italy click/tap this other link. For its eighth edition, the guide has been updated with some new features: in addition to the best beers in Italy and the places where you can buy them and enjoy them at their best (such as Archea), you will also find a section dedicated to cider and perry.

